This is the newly created section of Prepa Saint Jean which will welcome its first batch this 2025/2026 academic year, with the study model of two years of studies in cameroon on our campus in Douala, and three years in our high quality partner schools of Engineering and commerce in France.
For the 2025/2026 academic year, the anglophone section of Prepa Saint Jean will ONLY have the Engineering cycle which consists of the Generalist engineering and civil engineering. However, the subsequent years will have both the engineering and finance Management cycles. The first two years of preparatory studies in Cameroon aims at introducing fundamental concepts, techniques and working methods, necessary for the continuation of their studies abroad.
During the first and second year at Prepa Saint Jean, the students will study fundamental science courses, to latter specialize in 3rd year. The students will also have the possibility after their fourth year in France, to undergo a full semester of their fifth year in the USA or CANADA as an exchange of partnership with our partner school in France.
Students have a learning program and are trained in basic engineering subjects such as :
Apart from these basic Engineering courses, students will also take on communication courses such as :
After the first two years of common core courses, the student who chooses to specialize under generalist engineering program has other option to choose a specialty under this program. It is important to note that the generalist Engineering program for the Anglophones is mostly geared towards computer engineering.
These years of studies will be completed in our partner school of engineering ; CESI, in France. The students will specialize according to their strenghts and personal choicesf. For the generalist engineering cycle, different specialities and carrier opportunities exits ;
After two years of common courses the student chooses their speciality at the third year in our high quality school of engineering in France.
The students will specialize according to their educational strength and personal choices. For the civil engineering cycle, different specialities and carrier opportunities exits ;
Dates des concours

1st Exam
19 July 2025
2st Exam
16 August 2025

1st Exam
19 July 2025
2st Exam
16 August 2025